It belongs to Leguminaceae family. It is a cool season crop grown throughout the world. Green pods are used for vegetable purpose and dried peas are used as pulse. In India it is cultivated in Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Punjab, Haryana, Karnataka and Bihar. It is rich source of proteins, amino acids and sugars. Green peas straw is good source of nutritional fodder for livestock.


15°C - 30°C

Sowing Temperature

20°C - 30°C

Harvesting Temperature

15°C - 20°C


400-500 mm


It can grow on various soil types from sandy loam to clay soils. It gives best results when grown under well drained soil with pH range of 6 to 7.5. Crop cannot withstand in water logging conditions. For acidic soil, do limming.


PG 3

Locally known as Sikkim. It is commercially grown in the states of Assam and Meghalaya. Medium to large sized trees, dense foliage with thorns. Orange-yellow to bright orange color fruits with smooth surface. Orange color fruits with 9-25 seeds.

Punjab 88

It is a hybrid variety between King and Willow leaf. Plants are large sized, symmetrical with dense foliage, broad leaves. Fruits are medium in size, deep orange yellow colored on ripening, and adherent juicy fruit with 12-24 seeds. Fruit matures in the months of January-February. This variety when first introduced into Punjab performed very well and gained high commercial significance..

Matar Ageta 6

Trees are up righted, vigorous having compact foliage. Fruits are bright orange in color, medium to large size, easily peeled with 9-11 segments. The variety contains abundant juice with 15-25 seeds. The variety matures in February-March months.

Field Pea 48

Trees are up righted, vigorous having compact foliage. Fruits are bright orange in color, medium to large size, easily peeled with 9-11 segments. The variety contains abundant juice with 15-25 seeds. The variety matures in February-March months.

AP 3

It is an early maturing variety. IT is ready for first harvesting after 70 days of sowing, if it sown in second week of October. It gives an average yield of 31.5qtl/acre.

Matar Ageta-7

It is an early variety which is ready for harvesting in 65-70 days. It gives an average yield of 32qtl/acre.

Punjab 89

legumes bear in couple. The variety is ready for first harvesting after 90 days of sowing. The seeds are sweet in taste and the legumes give 55% seeds. It gives an average yield of 60qtl/acre.

Mithi Fali

First harvesting is done after 90 days of sowing. The variety is rich with protein and sweetness. It gives an average yield of 47qtl/acre.




Time of sowing

To obtain good yield complete sowing between October end to Middle of November. Further delay in sowing will lead to yield loss. For early market, some growers sow peas in second fortnight of October..


Use spacing of 30cmx5cm for early varieties and for late varieties use spacing of 45-60cm x 10cm.

Sowing Depth

Sow the seeds at depth of 2-3cm in soil.

Method of sowing

For sowing use seed cum fertilizer drill on ridges which are 60 cm wide.


Speed rate

For sowing in one acre land use seed rate of 35-40kg/acre.

Seed treatment

Before sowing, treat the seed with Captan or Thiram@3gm/kg of seed or Carbendazim@2.5gm/kg of seed. After chemical treatment, treat seeds with Rhizobium leguminosorum culture for better quality and yield. The culture material is emulsified in 10 percent sugar solution or jaggery solution. Mix thoroughly the emulsified culture with seed and dry in shade. It will increase yield upto 8-10%. Use any one of fungicides Fungicide name Quantity (Dosage per kg seed) Captan 3gm Thiram 3gm Carbendazim 2.5gm


Fertilizer Requirement (kg/acre) UREA SSP MURIATE OF POTASH 45 155 On soil test results

Nutrient Requirement (kg/acre) NITROGEN PHOSPHORUS POTASH 20 25 #

At time of sowing apply Nitrogen@20kg in form of Urea@50kg and Phosphorus@25kg in form of Superphosphate@150kg per acre. Drill complete dose of fertilizer along the rows.


Depending upon variety it requires one or two weeding. First weeding is done either at 2-3 leaves stage or 3-4 weeks after sowing and second weeding is done before flowering. Using herbicides is the effective method of controlling weeds in peas cultivation. Pendimethalin@1 ltr/acre and Basalin@1 ltr/acre give good results in controlling the weeds. Apply herbicide within 48 hours of sowing.


Pre sowing irrigation should be given for good germination. When it is cultivated after paddy crop and soil content sufficient moisture, it can sow without irrigation. After sowing it required one or two irrigation. Apply first irrigation during pre-flowering and second at pod formation stage. Heavy irrigation leads to the yellowing of plants and thus reducing the yield.


The green peas pods should be harvested at proper stage. Harvesting of peas may start as soon as peas started changing colour from dark to green. Multiple pickings like, 4 to 5 pickling can be done within the 6 to 10 days interval. Yield depends on the variety, soil fertility and management of the field.


Storage is done at low temperature to increase the availability of green pods for longer duration. Packing is done in gunny bags, corrugated fibre board boxes, plastic containers and bamboo baskets.