It is known as king of fruits and cultivated in India from old time. Mango is rich source of Vitamin A and C; its leaves are used as fodder in case of shortage of fodder while wood is used for furniture making. Unriped fruits are used for chutney, pickles and ripe fruits are used for eating purpose as well as for syrups, jam and jelly. It is commercially cultivated in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, West Bengal, Kerala, Bihar, UP, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Haryana, Maharashtra, Gujarat.


22°C - 27°C

Sowing Temperature

20°C - 22°C

Harvesting Temperature

28°C - 30°C


50-80 mm


It can be grown on variety of soil. Deep soil without any hard pan upto depth of 4feet is required for mango cultivation. pH of soil should be less than 8.5%.



It is widely grown in a region. Fruits are ready to harvest in first week of July. Fruits are small to medium size, smooth having yellow color, sweet in test and stone is of small size. Fruits are having better keeping quality. It is regular bearing crop. It gives average yield of 150kg fruits per tree.


Fruits are medium to large, smooth having lemon yellow color. Flesh is fibreless with fine test. Skin of fruit is medium thick. Fruits are ready to harvest in second week of July. It gives average yield of 100kg per plant.


Having great export potential. Fruits are of medium and oval size. Fruits are of greenish light yellow with light pinkish blush. Flesh is fibre free with superb test. Skin of fruit is thin and smooth. Fruits mature in first week of July.

Gangian Sandhuri (GN-19)

The variety matures in fourth week of July. It contains 15.7% sugar and 0.30% sour content. It gives an average yield of 80kg per tree.

Other state varieties


Mallika, Amrapali, Ratna, Arka Arjun, Arka Puneet, Arka Anmol, Sindhu, Manjeera


Alphonso, Bombay Green, Dashahari, Himsagar, Kesar, Neelum, Chausa.


Time of sowing

Planting is done in month of August-September also in February - March. Do planting in cool hours of evening. Protect crop from high wind.


For grafted varieties use distance of 9m x 9m and plant them in square system.

Sowing Depth

Dug pits of 1x1x1m size at distance of 9x9m one month earlier before planting. Expose them to sun. Fill with mixture of soil, 30 to 40 kg of FYM or Compost and 1 kg single super phosphate.

Method of sowing

Square and hexagonal planting can be adopted. Hexagonal planting accommodates 15% more plants.

Seed treatment

Before planting, dip stones in solution of Dimethoate for few minutes. It will protect crop from mango weevils. Seed treatment with Captan fungicide protects seeds from fungal infections.


Fertilizer Requirement (kg/tree) Age of crop (Year) Well decomposed cow dung (in kg) Urea (in gm) SSP (in gm) MOP (in gm) First to three year 5-20 100-200 250-500 175-350 Four to Six year 25 200-400 500-700 350-700 Seven to nine year 60-90 400-500 750-1000 700-1000 Ten and above 100 500 1000 1000 Nutrient Requirement (kg/acre) NITROGEN PHOSPHORUS POTASH 27 7 30 Mango crop required 27 kg of N, P2O5 about 7 kg and 30 kg of K2O per acre. For crop of 1-3 year old, Apply 5 to 20 kg of well decomposed cow dung, 100-200 gm of Urea, 250-500 gm of Single super Phosphate and 175-350 gm of MOP per tree. For 4-6 year old crop apply increased cow dung dose by 25 kg, give Urea@200-400 gm, SSP@500-700 gm and MOP@350-700 gm per Tree. For 7-9 year old crop, apply 60-90 kg of well decomposed cow dung, Urea@400-500 gm, SSP@750-1000 gm, MOP@700-1000 gm per tree. For 10 year or above 10 year crop, apply 100 kg of well decomposed cow dung, Urea@400-500 gm, SSP@1000 gm and MOP@1000 gm per Tree. Give N and K dose of fertilizer in February month whereas apply whole amount of cow dung and SSP in December month. Sometime changing weather causes fruit and inflorescences drop. If fruit drop is observed to minimize it spray 13:00:45@10gm/Ltr of water.Use mulching to minimize temperature effect. For good flowering and yield, spray 00:52:34 @150 gm/15 Ltr of water twice at 8 days interval when flowering starts. It will prevent flower drop also.


Weeding and earthing up should be done around newly planted crop. Intercrop can be taken till plant gets well acquainted to surrounding atmosphere upto plant start bearing. Depending upon variety it will take 5-6years. Intercropping helps to minimize weed control. Leguminous crop like moong, mash, gram and Lentil can be taken as intercrop. Also crop like onion, tomato, Radish, beans, cauliflower, cabbage are useful for intercropping. Avoid Bajra, maize and sugarcane as intercropped.


Amount and interval of irrigation depend upon, type of soil, climate and source of irrigation. To young plant apply light and frequent irrigation. Light irrigation always give best results as compared to flood irrigation. In summer apply irrigation at interval of 5-7days where as in winter slowly increased irrigation interval to 25-30days. In rainy season, apply irrigation depending upon rainfall intensity. Bearing trees required irrigation during fruit development period at interval of 10-12days. After fertilizer application in February month give light irrigation.


Changing of fruit color is sign of fruit maturity. It usually required 15-16week after fruits set to get mature. Pick individual fruits with help of ladder or bamboo having sharp knife and having net to collect harvested fruits. Avoid falling of fruits on ground as it will damage fruits during storage. After harvesting, do sorting and grading of fruits according to size, color and then packed in boxes. Place harvested fruits on polynet upside down.


After harvesting dip fruits in water. Reject immature fruits which float on water. After that place fruits in 25gm/Ltr salt water. Fruits which float in salt water are mainly used for export. According to prevention of Food adulteration act (1954) ripening of any food by using Carbide gas is a crime. For uniform ripening of fruits , dip 100kg fruits in 100Ltr of water containing (62.5ml-187.5ml) Ethrel at 52±2°C for 5min within 4-8 days after harvesting. For fruit fly detection in export quality fruits VHT (vapor heat treatment) is compulsory. For this process use 3days prior harvested fruits.