Juicy fruit having excellent quality. It is a rich source of Vitamin C along with B complex Vitamin. Its origin is from Southern China. India is second largest producer of litchi in the World after China. In India its cultivation is restricted to Jammu and Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh but due to increasing demand its cultivation is spread to other states like Bihar, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Orissa, Punjab and Haryana, Uttaranchal, Assam, Tripura and West Bengal.


25°C - 35°C

Sowing Temperature

25°C - 35°C

Harvesting Temperature

25°C - 30°C


1200 mm


It can be grown on variety of soil. Deep, fertile, well drained, medium texture soil is suitable for litchi cultivation. pH of soil should be 7.5 to 8. Litchi crop cannot tolerate high pH and saline soils.



Fruits are large, attractive and ready to harvest in third week of June. It is a heavy bearing crop with excellent quality. Fruits are moderately juicy having good flavor.


Early and regular bearing variety. Fruits are ready to harvest in June second week. Fruits are of attractive color but prone to splitting. Fruits are sweet, soft and moderately juicy having good flavor

Seedless Late

Contain greater portion of flesh. Fruits are deep carmine red, sweet in test and juicy. Fruits get mature in third week of June.

Other state varieties


Time of sowing

Planting can be done just after monsoon in month of August-September, sometime it can be extended up to November in Punjab. For planting select two year old plant. .


Use distance of 8-10 meter in row to row and also plant to plant in case of square method.

Sowing Depth

Dug pits of 1m x 1m x 1m and expose to sun for some days. Then fill the pit with top soil with 20-25 kg of well decomposed cow dung, 2 kg of bone meal and 300 gm of MOP. After filling sprinkle some water on it. Plant the seedlings in middle of pit.

Method of sowing

Direct sowing or transplanting method.


Age of crop
Well decomposed cow dung
(in kg)
(in gm)
SSP (in gm) MOP (in gm) First to three years 10-20 150-500 200-600 60-150 Four to six years 25-40 500-1000 750-1250 200-300 Seven to ten year 40-50 1000-1500 1500-2000 300-500 Ten year and above 60 1600 2250 600 For 1 to 3 year old crop, apply 10-20 kg of well decomposed cowdung along with Urea@150-500 g, SSP@200-600 gm and MOP@60-150 gm per Tree. For 4-6 year old crop, give dose of 25-40 kg of cowdung, Urea@500 gm -1000 gm, SSP@750 gm -1250 gm and MOP@200-300 gm per Tree. For 7-10 year old crop, apply Urea@1000-1500 gm, SSP@1000 gm, MOP@300 -500 gm and Cowdung@40-50 kg per Tree. When crop is above 10 year, apply well decomposed cowdung@60 kg, Urea@1600 gm, SSP@2250 gm and MOP@600 gm per Tree.


To protect young crops from hot wind in summer and cold waves in winter, plant suitable windbreak trees around litchi plantation upto 4-5 years. Growing of Dhaincha around litchi plantation will protect plant during summer and winter, for that grows dhaincha seeds in middle of February. To protect crop from heavy winds grow tall trees seedling like Mango, Jamun etc. around litchi plantation.


Apply irrigation at all stage of development. At early growth stage frequent irrigation is needed. During summer, apply irrigation twice a week to young plants and once a week for plant older than 4year age. Give irrigation after completing fertilizer application. To protect crop from frost injury, apply water at November end or December first week. Fruit development stage is critical for irrigation. At this stage apply irrigation twice a week; it will help to reduce cracking of fruits to greater extent.


On attaining proper size, shape along with attractive color having TSS to Acid ratio of 12:1, kinnow fruits is ready for harvest. Depending upon variety fruits are generally ready for harvesting in Mid- January to Mid- February. Do harvesting at proper time as too early or too late harvesting will give poor quality


It is slow growing crop and required about 7-10years to come into commercial bearing. Intercrop can be taken during initial 3-4 years. It will give additional annual income along with enriching the soil and improve soil condition also help in weed control. Quick growing plant like peach, plum, kinnow can be taken as intercrop. Also vegetables and pulses are preferred as intercrop. When orchard come into commercial bearing, uproot intercrops. Litchi is cross pollinated and pollination is done by insect, honey bees etc. Place 20-25boxes of honey bees per hectare to get proper pollination and fruit sets.


Initially training is needed to give definite shape. But pruning is not much needed for Litchi plants. Light pruning is needed after harvesting of fruits to promote new shoots.